Benefits of a Sit-2-Stand Desk

You’re stuck sitting for eight hours a day behind a computer. Your back aches, your neck is stiff, your legs feel like they weigh a ton each. You wish you could just get up and stand for a bit. Move around a little. Sound familiar?

We all know that a sedentary lifestyle is a serious impediment to good health. The problem is that most of us spend our workday sitting at a desk. Our work and our lifestyles just don’t contribute to our physical wellbeing. What if you could change your position from sitting to standing and still get your work done?

Discover our latest line of Sit-2-Stand desks – ergonomic, high-quality office desks that are scientifically proven to reduce the negative health effects of sitting for long periods of time and as a result, improve both health and productivity.

There are several health benefits that a stand-up desk will offer.

Prevent Weight Gain

Standing lowers your likelihood of gaining weight. In fact, standing can burn 100-170 more calories per day than sitting. That can add up to around 1000 extra calories burned per week simply by standing to perform the same function. Sitting for long periods of time is strongly connected to obesity and metabolic disease.

Lower Blood Sugar

Choosing to stand rather than sit may also lower your blood sugar levels. Some studies have proven that standing for 180 minutes after a meal can lower the blood sugar spike by 43 percent as opposed to being sedentary for that period of time. Alternating between sitting and standing can reduce blood sugar spikes by 11 percent or more.

Lower Risk of Heart Disease

Standing also helps to lower your risk of getting heart disease. Surprisingly, people in professions that involve standing for most of the day have been shown to have half the risk of heart-disease-related deaths as compared to more sedentary professions. In fact, prolonged sedentary time is thought to increase the risk of heart disease by up to a whopping 147 percent. Although some of us try to offset a sedentary lifestyle with an hour of intense exercise before or after work, this may not make up for the damage already caused.

Reduce Back Pain

Another less known benefit of standing is the reduction of back pain. Chronic back pain is becoming more and more common in the United States. A study published by the center for disease control found that standing reduced upper back and neck pain by 54 percent after just four weeks. Switching to a standing desk may also offer up to a 32 percent improvement in lower back pain.

Improve Overall Wellbeing

In addition to all of the above benefits, standing appears to improve mood, energy, and overall wellbeing. Standing can reduce stress and fatigue, increasing vigor and energy levels. This can also improve or eliminate depression and anxiety. Overall this improves productivity.

With all this overwhelming evidence, it seems foolish not to have a standing desk. Reducing time spent sitting can improve all aspects of health including physical, metabolic, and even mental facets of your wellbeing. Why not try this simple solution right away!

Interested to learn more? View our Series C Elite collection of Sit-2-Stand Desks.

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